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Alpha Bios

Fulvic acid is considered a humic substance, meaning it’s a naturally occurring compound found in soil. Fulvic and humic acid have proven benefits to human health. Health trendsetters around the world have embraced the power of these essential nutrients. Several clinical studies have been conducted on Fulvic acid with promising results.

AE 17 Turmeric

Turmeric is a well-known herb that is popularly used across the globe as a traditional spice and as a dietary supplement. It contains curcuminoids, which are essential bioactives, responsible for properties that provide multiple health benefits. However, curcuminoids have minimal bioavailability; hence large doses are required to realize its complete benefits. 

The key differentiator of AE-17 compared to all other turmeric ingredients is that it is designed in a way wherein a small daily dose of 250mg is required to provide you all the health benefits of Turmeric.